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A Thriving rrripple Effect

November 4th, 2010

What’s new at rrripple? We’re glad you asked!

In the last couple months we have begun integrating our platform with software from Adobe, Aviary, and Blackboard. Soon, our partners and their customers will be able to utilize our comprehensive, secure, and fun sharing product from within their dashboards. We look forward to sharing our offering with their customers.

In addition to new platform integrations, our team has been networking above and beyond at events and conferences across the world. In the last couple months we have met with influential education and technology leaders and investors at events including: Eduacause in Southern California, The Web 2.0 Expo and the Womensphere Global Leadership Summit in New York City, and TECH cocktail in San Francisco.

This week our CEO Heather Hiles attended Astia’s Doing It Right Entrepreneurs’ Program where she met with several successful entrepreneurs including Eileen Gittins, founder of Blurb the online book publishing service which made $45m in revenue this past year. Eileen and Heather are now in discussion about creating a possible partnership.

Currently we are also involved in Vator.tv’s and Girls In Tech’s Amplify Business Competition. The competition is currently in the online voting phase and we appreciate all of the support that you can provide! Please VOTE for rrripple! We look forward to the opportunity to present on November 18th, 2010, and to be their as successful angelivestor Esther Dyson, a colleague of ours and startup advisor, provides the keynote.

Further, we are thrilled to announce that we have been selected as one of Geeks Gone Global’s victorious startups to present at the Software City Conference on November 22nd, 2010, in the UK. Heather will be jetting off to Liverpool to present soon and we are so excited to have this opportunity to share rrripple with the global audience! While in the UK, we plan to meet with large corporations focused on education and already have meetings set up with execs from Sony and Nokia.

Last but not least, we’d like to leave you with three thoughts:

  1. Did you know that women entrepreneurs are on average more successful than men?
  2. Congratulations to the SF Giants for winning the World Series! As a Bay Area based organization we are beyond thrilled and take pride in knowing that a bunch of misfits and outcasts can achieve so much!
  3. Remember, Life Flows, Share it!

-The rrripple Team

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